Terms of Use
Revised on November 21st, 2018
Please read the following Terms of Use carefully before you sign up, download or use any of the templates or extensions on RoundTheme for your projects. Make sure that you have read, understood and agree on all the terms listed below.
Submitted registrations to RoundTheme means that you have read, understood and agree to comply with the stated Terms of Use given below.
1. Memberships
These terms of use apply to all RoundTheme memberships; to include theme and extension memberships. Non-exclusive limited licenses are granted to you for use with the products sold on the RoundTheme website in accordance with the following terms and conditions.
1.1. RoundTheme templates
Commercial RoundTheme templates may be used on as many websites as your entitlements provide for. After your expiration of membership, you will be able to continue using the templates your entitlements allow for, but will not be receiving support or update access until you renew your membership. The "Lifetime Bundle" membership will grant unlimited implementation of templates found at RoundTheme, so long as the usage complies with the Terms of Use.
1.2. RoundTheme extensions
RoundTheme extensions may be used on as many websites as you wish without any limits, even after your membership expires.
2. Product License and Ownership
2.1. Product license
Commercial templates found at RoundTheme are GPL compliant. Any and all PHP portions of the templates, themes and styles are licensed under the appropriate GPL license of the parent platform. The non-compiled portions, including images, cascading-style-sheets (CSS) and JavaScript of "Club" templates are copy written to RoundTheme in accordance with the rest of the Terms of Use. Free templates are released with all parts of the templates either under a GPL and/or other free license.
2.2. Ownership
You may not make a claim of intellectual or exclusive ownership with any of our products. Templates, extensions, documents, etc., modified or unmodified, are property of RoundTheme.
Ownership of free templates belongs to the person(s) who created the .PSD source and/or the HTML/CSS layout and, as such, the templates will be distributed under their licenses. RoundTheme Club does not take any claim of ownership to free sources or free .PSD files which free templates have been based upon. All copyrights can be found in the template description. However, should the free template have originated solely from RoundTheme with the creation of the design, layout, documentation, etc., then the ownership of the template belongs to RoundTheme Club.
Our products are to be provided "as is", without a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. At no point in time shall RoundTheme be liable for any damages that could incur from the use, or misuse, of our products. This includes, but is not limited to: direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses that could arise.
2.3. Unauthorized Use
Our commercial templates, modified or unmodified, may not be placed on any removable storage medium, website, or any other medium where you will subsequently try to offer them for redistribution or resale without our prior express written consent. Sub-licensing, assigning or the transfer of your membership in RoundTheme Club to anyone else cannot be completed without our prior express written consent.
You may not place; sub-license or sell free templates if it is forbidden by the license or by author ownership.If you are not sure, you may see the permissions of any template's license by reading its included documentation.
2.4. Unlimited licenses
If a membership grants you unlimited licenses of a RoundTheme product, then you are allowed to use the product in all of your client projects. However, this does NOT allow you to redistribute the product in any way, shape or form. RoundTheme will grant you use of a product for your client services if you are primarily selling your service with the product - and not the product itself. If you wish to continue using a product for a new website project(s), then you will need to renew your membership after the existing membership has expired.
2.5. Modifications
Any changes or modifications in the template or extensions to suit your needs are allowed. However, it is not permitted to change or remove copyright information found in the source code. In addition, the XML description file, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and any and all files distributed with our products cannot be changed. However, visual copyrights (such as the copyright in the template footer) can be removed.
You are not allowed to resell or redistribute the changes and modifications as a new GPL or other licenses. It is strictly prohibited to port RoundTheme templates or templates included in our extensions to other platforms or content management systems.
2.6. Use of Content
You openly acknowledge that the site contains, or may contain, material (collectively to be known as "Content") which is protected by copyright, trademark or a various proprietary right. Therefore, you are permitted only to use the material as it's expressed described and authorized by RoundTheme. You may not transfer, sell, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute (wholly or in part) or exploit the Content in any way without an express written permission from the developer(s). Content used in our demos and RoundTheme quick-starts are only for demonstration purposes and thereby should not be used in any live setting without the express written permission of RoundTheme or any other copyright holder.
3. Product Delivery
3.1. Free products
Our entire stocks of free products are available for download free of charge. However, we do keep track as to the number of downloads a product has and may ask for your e-mail address for further support and care.
3.2. Commercial products
After a successful receipt of payment, your membership information will be e-mailed to the e-mail address you provided during the payment process, e.g., a 2Checkout or PayPal e-mail. This may take up to an hour, but should be completed within minutes. If you do not receive an e-mail after this time period, please contact us via the website. Upon registration and logging in, RoundTheme Club members will have instant access to all club templates and forums.
Some customers may experience an elongated period of account approval due to manual Anti-Fraud checks that review the pending PayPal/2Checkout account. Anti-Fraud checks occur due to an increasing number of fraudulent transactions that have occurred from persons who are not the actual cardholders of the credit cards associated with the account conducting the purchase.
3.3. Product Updates
All templates will always be designed for use with the latest version of Joomla; but we cannot guarantee with future versions. Members may use the forums to troubleshoot any issues encountered or related to software versions.
4. Support
We will be supporting templates and extensions that fall into the time period of "right now" to 12 months ago. This decision has been made since it is impossible to be able to support all templates and extensions. Such support cannot be afforded as there are new templates and extensions released continually. Therefore, we would like to put emphasis on certain products within a certain time frame so as not to disappoint you, but to give the best support to satisfy your immediate needs with up-to-date templates and extensions.
4.1. Products support for paid memberships
Full support is offered for free regarding commercial templates and extensions. Paid subscribers are guaranteed support as per the type of membership plan that was purchased.
We have two main ways to offer support for you.
Support Forum
The Support Forum will provide support for standard and professional editions of our products and only if the product is in its original-non-modified form.
Our Support Forum is committed to:
- Provide product support related to possible bugs and product malfunction.
- To strive to answer your inquiries within 24-48 hours.
Dedicated Support
Dedicated Support is freely available for everyone who bought the "Lifetime Bundle" membership on RoundTheme.
The Dedicated Support System is committed to:
- Providing support on matters related to product’s bugs or possible malfunctions.
- Providing support on light modifications made; such as CSS coding tweaks.
- Be ready to access to customer’s website back-end and investigate to resolve the issue.
- Guarantee a response within a 12 hour timeframe.
4.2. Free Membership Support
Unfortunately, we do not offer any support for free templates or extensions and cannot guarantee support for members with a free subscription plan. However, you are encouraged to get into contact with the RoundTheme community, as members there will be able to help with installation, modifications or learning the administration of our products. RoundTheme Club will do its best to answer any questions you may have, but make it clearly known that the support service is provided for members with a paid subscription.
5. Privacy Policy
Any and all information submitted by a buyer will be used solely for the purpose of transaction completion, delivering the product, and informing about new product releases; as well as addressing any questions and product issues.
RoundTheme.com does not, and will not store payment information of customers shopping at our website. We use highly secured third party payment services to protect transactions and, as such, all information regarding the method of payment, credit card information, address, etc., will be stored off-site with the third-party.
Read Privacy Policy statement.
6. Refund Policy
We care about the quality of our templates and extensions, and, as such, strive to gain your trust. However, if you are not satisfied with our products within a 7 day period, you may make a claim to be refunded. You will have an ample amount of time to try our product and make sure that it suits your needs. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the product you purchased, simply contact us and we will give you a full money-back refund if it is not violates Refund Policy Statement.
Read Refund Policy Statement.
7. Warranty
RoundTheme offers no warranty or guarantee with our templates and extensions in any way, shape or form. Browser compatibility should be tested by viewing the demonstration installations on demo-sites. Please ensure that your browser works, and is compatible with the template design. We cannot guarantee that our products will work with all third-party extensions. Please consider that and be aware of it. We do guarantee that our themes will work with the current version of Joomla, but we cannot guarantee that our themes will work with future versions of Joomla. All RoundTheme products will always be developed for the latest version of Joomla and cannot guarantee how long older Joomla versions will be supported. This decision is solely made by RoundTheme.
Once your membership expires, you will be unable to access any of our support forums or any product updates.
8. Terms & Conditions
RoundTheme reserves the right to change and/or modify the current Terms of Use as it sees fit without prior notification. Therefore, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use each and every time you visit our website for any possible changes that could have been made. Further, RoundTheme reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue any portion of its membership. RoundTheme will not be held liable by you or any third party should RoundTheme exercise its right to modify, change, suspend, limit or discontinue any feature of membership.
9. Disclaimer
RoundTheme.com products are provided to you "as is", without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event will RoundTheme be liable for any damages including, but not limited to: direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use, or misuse of our products. We are not licensed to provide for certain true-type fonts (.TTF) that could be included in any or all of the provided templates. These require that you own or purchase the fonts from their respective owners.
10. Using third-party products
RoundTheme.com is not affiliated with the Kunena Project. The Kunena name and logo is used under a limited license granted by the Kunena Project, the trademark holder in the United States and other countries.
11. Legal Address
RoundTheme LLC
Krasnaya street 154 - 226
350010 Krasnodar
Website: www.roundtheme.com
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.